Thursday, February 4, 2010

O those silly homos

So let me get this right…Republicans say fuck fags…on every level…in every way...military, fuck fags…marriage, fuck fags...gays are lucky they have protection under hate crimes, even though that came after Republicans bitched and moaned against the idea.

My problem, however, is with the republicans not on the idiot box. The ones I speak to all the time, the ones who shake my hand, have gay friends (love them to death, mind you) and still agree with the blatant discrimination against them, the hypocrites, if you will. These republicans spew the same bullshit reasoning for their bigotry that whites did during the fight against segregation. Things like, “We don’t want our kids being taught by them, they might learn their ways.” or “We have to protect our way of life.”

Look, whatever these peoples gripe, when they speak about it, replace the word homosexuals or gays in their sentence, with the word blacks or minorities…It’s the same fucking argument used 50 years ago against them. Let me try to use the same argument over and over again when I have a fight with my girlfriend: “Babe, you have to understand I only called your mom a bitch because I was drunk!”…she will promptly say: “Please, you said that shit last week, so either you need to stop drinking or stop being an asshole. Either way, you’re an asshole.”
Now if an excuse is only good for one use with 1 girlfriend, how the hell does the fear filled excuses for bigotry work on 300 million people over and over again? Well that shit doesn’t work with me, and if you don’t believe gays should be allowed to marry, or not be able to serve in the military without being persecuted for their sexual orientation if it becomes known, then you are a bigot.
I’m not gonna say you’re just ignorant, or misinformed, or say you would change your mind if your son or daughter was gay, fuck that. I’ve never met someone or know about the ways of someone from Latvia but if you told me they were gay and just because of that I said they deserve less than I did, right there I would be wrong, I’d be an asshole and a bigot. Unless you’re talking about a man, man gay is just gross (I’m being fallacious).

To those who say I am speaking too harshly towards these people, and that calling them bigots will upset them and drive them deeper into the practice or they aren't REALLY bigots, I say, look at them as alcoholics, these people have a problem, and under the rule of recovery, you have to admit your disease. So go to the mirror bigot, and say it. Then we can talk nice.

Quote of the century: "I'm not a racist, i have a lot of minority friends." This said while this man was not allowing a minority to date his white daughter.