Thursday, February 4, 2010

O those silly homos

So let me get this right…Republicans say fuck fags…on every level…in every way...military, fuck fags…marriage, fuck fags...gays are lucky they have protection under hate crimes, even though that came after Republicans bitched and moaned against the idea.

My problem, however, is with the republicans not on the idiot box. The ones I speak to all the time, the ones who shake my hand, have gay friends (love them to death, mind you) and still agree with the blatant discrimination against them, the hypocrites, if you will. These republicans spew the same bullshit reasoning for their bigotry that whites did during the fight against segregation. Things like, “We don’t want our kids being taught by them, they might learn their ways.” or “We have to protect our way of life.”

Look, whatever these peoples gripe, when they speak about it, replace the word homosexuals or gays in their sentence, with the word blacks or minorities…It’s the same fucking argument used 50 years ago against them. Let me try to use the same argument over and over again when I have a fight with my girlfriend: “Babe, you have to understand I only called your mom a bitch because I was drunk!”…she will promptly say: “Please, you said that shit last week, so either you need to stop drinking or stop being an asshole. Either way, you’re an asshole.”
Now if an excuse is only good for one use with 1 girlfriend, how the hell does the fear filled excuses for bigotry work on 300 million people over and over again? Well that shit doesn’t work with me, and if you don’t believe gays should be allowed to marry, or not be able to serve in the military without being persecuted for their sexual orientation if it becomes known, then you are a bigot.
I’m not gonna say you’re just ignorant, or misinformed, or say you would change your mind if your son or daughter was gay, fuck that. I’ve never met someone or know about the ways of someone from Latvia but if you told me they were gay and just because of that I said they deserve less than I did, right there I would be wrong, I’d be an asshole and a bigot. Unless you’re talking about a man, man gay is just gross (I’m being fallacious).

To those who say I am speaking too harshly towards these people, and that calling them bigots will upset them and drive them deeper into the practice or they aren't REALLY bigots, I say, look at them as alcoholics, these people have a problem, and under the rule of recovery, you have to admit your disease. So go to the mirror bigot, and say it. Then we can talk nice.

Quote of the century: "I'm not a racist, i have a lot of minority friends." This said while this man was not allowing a minority to date his white daughter.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's just a piece of paper?

Just an FYI for those who think the most important thing on God's green Earth is to go to college:

People who don't have college degrees

Bill Gates
Walt Disney
Michael Dell
Simon Cowell
Henry Ford
Richard Branson
George Washington
Peter Jennings
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Edison
Steve Jobs
Rush Limbaugh
Michael Moore
Ernest Hemingway
....and a host of others you can easily look up.

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
--Albert Einstein

Monday, January 11, 2010

How gay is my zip code????!!!!

This feature from the New York Times shows Netflix rentals by location.
In my zip code, in this order: Milk, Rachael Getting Married, Benjamin Button, Doubt.
Pretty gay, pretty gay. Now where's my damn cosmo, I just got Brokeback in the mail.

Bad cop, Worse cop Part II

I don't mean to beat up on the NYPD (actually I do), but this story in the NY Post bugs me--not because PBA cards are being sold on eBay, but because PBA cards exist in the first place. Why should friends and families of policemen receive what amounts to a social courtesy not given to those without this card? Shouldn't all law-abiding, tax-paying citizens be considered "friends of the force" and therefore be given the same "breaks" as those with this card get?
These cards basically say: "Hey, I know I broke a law, but I'm one of you --see-- so how about you fill your quota on some other poor sap without this luxury." OK, I get it. Have card, can break rules.

"Having the card marks you as a friend to the force, and can be used to get out of minor jams. Flash the union card to an officer who has stopped you for speeding or is citing you for illegally parking, and the cop will forgo the ticket and let you off with a warning and wink. Police unions long encouraged their members to honor the cards when presented at a car stop -- especially since they are often carried by cops' relatives."
Read the rest here

It seems to me that these "get out of jail free" cards also represent the sense of elitism that has perpetuated the untouchable attitude so many officers are infected with. Why not give teachers and their families "get out of jail free" cards?

The traffic stop should go like this: "My mom is a teacher, officer. She's making sure your children don't grow up to be a pain in the ass for you and your force, so how about you let me slide for pulling an illegal U-turn with no one around for miles while I'm lost." But no. If you don't know a cop who is kind enough to bestow onto you this cop-be-nice card, follow the rules buddy, because you are no friend to them.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A note on this blog Part I

This is not one of those blogs that is all about "feelings," it's just some simple commentary on commentary itself as well as on social and political issues. I've never done anything like this before so my voice may be a bit all over the place and evolution is expected, so please bear with me.

Also you should know that I can be crass, flagrant and, sometimes, even insulting. I use foul language at times, as we all do, and when I write I sometimes can compose an entire paragraph using in...when the sky falls...I'll be sure to kiss my mother...and my sister...and my girlfriend...and then my ass...goodbye. Writing like that may or may not be a bad habit of mine...but I love the if you can take it...let me get away with it sometimes....k? And, yes, I called them dots...Get over it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bad cop, Worse cop...

I'm a minority living in New York, so I know that someone like me who has ill feelings towards the NYPD and cops in general isn't new.  However, I am compelled to explain a few things. 

First, the facts: I hate cops, and not in the way that one hates their drunk uncle at the family party. I've been living in NYC for my entire life and never once have I been robbed or physically assaulted by a civilian. Never once has a civilian pulled a gun or knife on me. Yet, I have been both assaulted and robbed by the NYPD.  I have had guns shoved in my face over 15 times, and one of those times I was forced to suck the barrel as if it were a penis, I was 16.

Now here's the kicker: I have never been arrested. Never been charged. Never been questioned at the station. Never put in a squad car--shit--simply put, I don't have a record.

So I pose a question:  if you are reading this and also do not have a record nor have never been arrested,  how many times has a cop thrown you to the ground?  How many times has a cop pointed a gun to your face only to see fear grip you only to come closer and press the nozzle to your forehead? 
Unarmed, no less.

You see I'm not afraid of Joe Shmoe walking down the street, but I am afraid of the police.  My rights have never been violated by Joe...just the boys in blue. So why is it that I always run into people making the same statement....Not all cops are bad?  That's where I disagree.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Now, I wouldn't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this site has got to be the bees knees.

Seriously though, it's a site where you can check out the origins and meanings of popular phrases. Nice work.

Another winning site...

Seeing as I hate Twilight, this has to be my favorite ... click the photo to enlarge.

See more here

On the bright side part II

Tired of the bad news? Upset over the economy, the murders, or you're just a Republican?
Check this site out might just brighten your day

On the bright side...

"Broadway Community soup kitchen chef Michael Ennes poses with the $1,100 can of Petrossian Malossol Caviar that his Soup Kitchen received as an anonymous donation via City Harvest."

Read more here

Monday, January 4, 2010

NYT Charting the Decade

Click here to check it out.

From flowing data:
"Did we all see this? Phillip Niemeyer of Double Triple pictures the past ten years in this Op-Chart for The New York Times. Each row is a theme, and each column represents a year. For example, the champion rep for 2007 is Tiger Woods or collagen as the fad of 2002. Oh how times change."

Brilliant images of the Earth from space

The Guardian compiles this great collection of satellite photos.

Above photo:
"Like tiny blue jewels, the western Hawaiian islands glow among the clouds over the Pacific Ocean. The Hawaiian islands are in the north Pacific – the larger, eastern islands are probably more well-known, but there are actually eight major islands, as well as many smaller islands and several atolls. Though Hawaii is a US state, the island chain is actually located 1,860 miles from the nearest continent. The islands are the exposed peaks of a volcanic, undersea mountain range."

....the terrorists win.

I know you want to see your loved ones. I know you want to go see a jungle waterfall, or go party in the Caribbean and have random fun. But when this becomes an everyday have to wonder if you would be better off taking a friggin cruise.

Shows That Changed TV

The Daily Beast lays it out pretty well with this.

Bored At Work?

This game site has something for everyone...just be sure to keep your volume down.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Poem of the Month

I have come to understand what dreams are...
not in the sense of those one has when one sleeps...
but of dreaming while eyes are open...
to see something in front of you and never wanting to close your eyes...
i understand this now...

i have come to understand why someone might leave their lover...
in order to find themselves...i should only hope my understanding of this does not leave a taste so bitter, that it leaves me with no choice but to stop searching at all...

i have come to understand love a little bit more...and how fragile it is...
how if taken for granted for a i am i am alone...
as i i understand...if ignorance is bliss...understanding is love...
as i now walk in the ever narrowing shadow of a love i cannot keep pace with...
for it is leaving...for i have never understood...a painful understanding indeed...
for i now understand...what it means to have a dream differed...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Christmas Story

So my favorite child actor from my favorite kid movie turned out to be a pretty successful Hollywood guy. He's a producer and director now. Check it here

I guess not all child actors end up retarded, fame-crazy reality show pee on camera whores....Go Ralphie!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Social bullshit weekly: skinny jeans

Ok, if you are offended by foul language go to the upper right corner of your browser and push the fucking X button...or scroll past this post...this topic hits a nerve for me, anyway, you have been warned.

What the fuck is this?...I mean, are these people serious?...when I was a HS kid I wore baggy jeans, it drove my parents and society nuts...and I get was different...but it came from a serious place...basically, it was the 90's in New York, and Giuliani was locking up every minority kid with so much as a roach with scraps of un-smokable garbage in there was an unbelievable amount of kids going to jail for long periods with overblown charges...blame the broken windows program I guess...anyway...
when the kids came home and went back to school they felt uncomfortable in jeans that actually fit...because in jail you don't get belts...they don't want you to hang yourself so your pants are always loose...always safety first in prison...point became cool for us to wear our shit loose...

But where the fuck does this bullshit come from? it metrosexuallity going ape-shit?  Or has the pussyfication...ugh sorry...has the PC-fication of our society given way to a generation of males with sets of small twigs and berries?...i see these idiots walking down the street and I can think is:  I can count the nickels in your fucking pockets...and congratulations on the 4 pubic hairs poking out of your denim YOU BITCH...

In closing...if you are gay...go the tightest clothes you can find at H&M...I get it...but for the straight boys out there...your balls are screaming the same thing I am: fuck you

Gotta Love Fox News...

This fucker equals over 190 percent...jesus...but as for my favorite pie chart:

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger

The women in the photo above are all women Tiger's being linked to. I guess the floodgates are open now. Problem is...there are some things the common public (meaning non-rich) doesn't seem to understand. Men with tons of money, married or not, have tons of women. This has been true since the dawn of money. Second, the women married or with these men know about their boys indiscretions. The agreement goes like this, man says: here is all the money you can ever spend, now I'm going out there and having sex with whomever i want. She says: fine, just don't get caught and embarrass us.

That's the truth, that's how it is, I've seen it myself more than once. No it doesn't make common sense, but keep in mind, common sense is for those with common money. How else would you explain the endless retarded quotes from men and women who have enough money to get by without problems or morals like the hiltons, kardashians, etc....point being...unimaginable money gives way to unimaginable versions of everything...home, tv, cars, morals, family, and marriage.

«So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?»

Christina Aguilera

«If I sold all my liabilities, I wouldn't own anything. My wife's a liability, my kids are liabilities, and I haven't sold them.»

- Ted Turner, media mogul......(fucking wow)

So a penguin walks into a bar...

Republican/conservative site, Drudge Report, used this story as a bit of irony...I get it...but until scientists STOP making our lives better, as they have since the dawn of science, I'll stick with the geeks on this subject.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Turning on Obama?

I've been reading a lot lately about liberals turning on big O and liberals in general.
I don't have a problem with that...I myself have a huge problem with liberals, funny thing is, I have the exact same problems with conservatives.

Neither side is willing to accept that the other has validity in their views. Much of this has to do with who's on the idiot box representing both sides. Between Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann, i don't know who I'd burn longer.

I can get why liberals are pissed...Obama promised the world. While he did deliver on hope, fact is that hope is running on empty now. With republicans doing everything but tying him up like an Abu Ghraib detainee to keep him from delivering on his promises, and democrats barking like dogs with their zap collars finally off, I can see how it might be a little hard for Obama to get anything done. Either way, liberals are upset at him, and conservatives are supposed to whats wrong?

Monday, December 7, 2009


Now, i'm not one for conspiracy theories, but with this and these numbers, you have to wonder.