Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger

The women in the photo above are all women Tiger's being linked to. I guess the floodgates are open now. Problem is...there are some things the common public (meaning non-rich) doesn't seem to understand. Men with tons of money, married or not, have tons of women. This has been true since the dawn of money. Second, the women married or with these men know about their boys indiscretions. The agreement goes like this, man says: here is all the money you can ever spend, now I'm going out there and having sex with whomever i want. She says: fine, just don't get caught and embarrass us.

That's the truth, that's how it is, I've seen it myself more than once. No it doesn't make common sense, but keep in mind, common sense is for those with common money. How else would you explain the endless retarded quotes from men and women who have enough money to get by without problems or morals like the hiltons, kardashians, etc....point being...unimaginable money gives way to unimaginable versions of everything...home, tv, cars, morals, family, and marriage.

«So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?»

Christina Aguilera

«If I sold all my liabilities, I wouldn't own anything. My wife's a liability, my kids are liabilities, and I haven't sold them.»

- Ted Turner, media mogul......(fucking wow)

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