I've been reading a lot lately about liberals turning on big O and liberals in general.
I don't have a problem with that...I myself have a huge problem with liberals, funny thing is, I have the exact same problems with conservatives.
Neither side is willing to accept that the other has validity in their views. Much of this has to do with who's on the idiot box representing both sides. Between Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann, i don't know who I'd burn longer.
I can get why liberals are pissed...Obama promised the world. While he did deliver on hope, fact is that hope is running on empty now. With republicans doing everything but tying him up like an Abu Ghraib detainee to keep him from delivering on his promises, and democrats barking like dogs with their zap collars finally off, I can see how it might be a little hard for Obama to get anything done. Either way, liberals are upset at him, and conservatives are supposed to be...so whats wrong?
I myself am a social liberal and fiscal conservative, but with Reason. Do i think gays should be able to marry? Yes. To goats? No. Do i think taxes should be lower? Yes. At the expense of peoples health? No. This kind of thinking is an everyday moral line of thinking for most people, except when it comes to politics.
My solution? Turn off your television and you're radio. If you listen to Glenn Beck or plush Rush and think they are speaking truth, seek help. For the rest of you...turn the shit off already. Start to get facts, not commentary, then maybe just maybe, think for yourself. Oh and this is important: if you find out you are wrong...change your opinion.
You won't spontaneously cumbust, and changing your mind doesn't make you a flip flopper, it makes you evolve. Liberals...if it bothers you so much to think inside the box, why do you live in one? Conservatives...if you don't believe in change, social or scientific, go outside call a black man a nigger, go back inside turn off your electricity and sit in the dark...like the good ol' days.
So in closing, am i turning on Obama?...No...I still have faith that a smart man with morals can do a better job than an idiot with a rifle...but I am turning on those who regurgitate talking points off of the television and radio without so much as an original thought...it's time for them to shut up and think before they go to their next rally.
/ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change
By definition, in my opinion, conservatives should be pissed right now because, slow and troubling as it may be to some, progress is happening. So Obamas doing something right. Right? No, Left.
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